Friday, November 2, 2007

My Querencia:

In Humanities, we had a project where we had to write about our querencia: the place where I feel most powerful.
My querencia; a place whereI feel safe and powerful is any quiet, comfortable place like in my room alone, where I can read a book, or write a story. When reading a good book, sometimes I feel pulled inside of it; like I'm at the sidelines, watching the characters go through, what they face and have to overcome.
Every so often while reading, everything around me disappears, and I am able to relax, forgetting all of my anger frustrations, and problems.
I find that reading is an adventure, you never know what might happen.


When writing, I can let my imagination go into over drive, jotting down my thoughts, and things that come to mind.
I like to just go on and on writing, until I come up with writers block where I have to put down my pen or pencil and start brainstorming.
I strive to put my imagination into descriptive and creative words, so anyone who would read my story may see what I see, or feel what I feel when I read my own piece of work. And get a good picture of what is happening.

If I am able to do that, I feel content and satisfied.
And when I create a finished book, I like to read it through, share it with others, and know what they think about it.
Good critiquing leads to better writing!

Writing also reminds me of my best friend since Elementary, Madeline Jensen, who attends a different school. In Elementary, we would go to the library at lunch, reading books, magazines, and writing endless fairy tales. I feel that...any place where I can read and write is my sanctuary, my refudge, a place where I can be alone and -sometimes- reflect on my day.

Sincerely - Ahsaki Hawkins aka Saki.